We offer pro deals to key outdoor industry folks. It’s our hope that those who use our gear become lifelong advocates and help us grow and prosper in the outdoor community.
Our pro deal program is offered to those in the industry who’ve been good stewards in the outdoor community. We like people who volunteer, donate to outdoor recreation related causes, or pick up a shovel or trash bag and pitch in on trail work or cleanup days. If you’re that type, we encourage you to apply.
We reserve the right to adjust Pro pricing or revoke Pro benefits at any time. We want you to be stoked on our gear and community, and you can do that without telling everyone how much you paid for it.
We’re a small company, so while we’ll try to get your application processed as quickly as possible, it can take up to two weeks. Please be patient and only contact us if you haven’t hear from us two weeks from the time you submitted your application.
Please apply with company-issued email and upload most recent paystub. Reciprocal deals for Slot employees are appreciated.
The following groups may qualify:Please provide current guide accreditation. Guides:
Accepted credentials:
Please remember to adhere to some of our basic pro membership rules: